
Content Guidelines

Welcome to the Starforger’s Guild!

As a Starforger, you can create and sell 5E sci-fi adventure and setting content within the ever-expanding universe of the Esper Genesis Roleplaying Game.

The following information is invaluable to getting you started. Much of it helps so make sure you read all the way through. The more prepared you are when you embark on your journey as a Starforger, the more rewarding your endeavors will be.

What Can I Create?

Imagine a universe of infinite worlds! This community content program is aimed at creating adventures and locations or expanding on existing content within the Silrayne Arc galaxy and beyond.

You may publish the following products as part of the Starforger’s Guild:

  • Adventures and Campaigns (this is the program’s primary product type).
  • Settings and Lore expansions (galactic, virtual, dimensional, etc).
  • Galactic Species (player character races and options).
  • Maps and Map Packs.
  • New Equipment and Gear (including enhanced items and cybernetics).
  • Starships and ship options (using the existing rules in the Master Technician’s Guide).
  • New vehicles/drones and customization options.
  • Threats and Non-Player Characters (including organizations).
  • New feats and esper powers.

The following products are not permitted within this program:

  • Stand-alone game systems or books that do not require use of the Esper Genesis core rulebooks.
  • Rules-focused sourcebooks or full system mechanics that replace those existing in the core rules such as character creation, combat, starships, and esper power use (Depending on the product, some mandatory rules/mechanics-focused material may be allowed, but cannot exceed more than 15% of your product’s content).
  • Character classes or class options.
  • Full settings unconnected to or can’t be reached from the main (Silrayne Arc galaxy) setting.

Alternate Product Types

Products such as art packs, power/threat cards, and comic books can be created on a case-by-case basis with express approval. Video games, apps, and similar software fall outside the scope of this program. Please email admin@espergenesis.com for more information.

Virtual Tabletop

You can package VTT maps and Fantasy Grounds conversions with your products (these must be included with your product as a bundle). We will be working toward incorporating Roll20 conversions with our products as the relationship between the two platforms becomes more defined.

Product Design

Word and InDesign templates are available to you via DriveThruRPG for you to use to build and design your products. Both templates come with the required legalese and an OGL page, both described below.

All content should be compatible with the Esper Genesis core books (Core Manual, Threats Database, and Master Technician’s Guide). You may use the game terms from any of these books. You may not copy large sections of text (no more than 20-30 words) from any of the core books, nor from any other official sourcebooks by Alligator Alley Entertainment. It is better to refer the reader to the entry in the appropriate book or supplement (for example: **see “Radiation Exposure” on pg. 29 of the Master Technician’s Guide.**)


Products with illustrations and other artwork often sell better. Use of stock art or artwork for which you have your own commercial license is encouraged. If you’re not sure where to start, DriveThruRPG also provides a large resource of sci-fi themed stock art.

You may not use art from the Esper Genesis books or any other Alligator Alley Entertainment publication.

Logos and Legalese

The Starforger’s Guild logo must appear on the cover of your product. The logo must be discernible and legible at normal full-screen viewing size. You may not use the official Esper Genesis logo on or as a part of your work.

The following text must appear within your product, wherever the work otherwise lists legal and copyright information:

ESPER GENESIS, Starforger’s Guild, all other Alligator Alley Entertainment product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Alligator Alley Entertainment in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Alligator Alley Entertainment, LLC and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for the Starforger’s Guild.

All other original material in this work is ©[current year] by [your legal name or company name]  and published under the Community Content Agreement for the Starforger’s Guild.


Using the OGL

You are required to include the Open Gaming License (OGL) in your content. You can find more information about the OGL and Systems Reference Document here.

If you choose to use the OGL and SRD to create content outside of what is allowed in the Starforger’s Guild, you may not use the Starforger’s Guild logo or any of the Product Identity from Esper Genesis including logos, trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, etc.), new rules, races, classes, ships, items, backgrounds, storylines, story elements, locations, characters, and trade dress.

Setting Up Your Product for Sale

OneBookShelf provides a detailed guide and resources for building and exporting your PDF in the latter sections of their Content and Format Questions page.

Once you’ve activated your product for sale, you will begin to see royalties equal to 50% of the sale price for each product. You can price your product as you see fit (including at $0 or “Pay What You Want”). You should also compare your price to existing or similar products to get a sense for what the market is used to.

You are free (and encouraged!) to promote your creations via social media and other outlets where tabletop roleplaying fans are found.

Final Notes…

Neither your products nor any promotional material, including blog/social media posts or press releases, may contain racist, homophobic, discriminatory, or other repugnant views; overt political agendas or views; depictions or descriptions of criminal violence against children; rape or other acts of criminal perversion; or other obscene material. We reserve the right to remove any materials that we determine do not conform to our guidelines for this program.

Illegal and infringing content is not allowed. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your products don’t violate laws, or copyright, trademark, privacy, or other rights.

Neither your products nor any advertising, promotions, press releases, or other documents affiliated with the product may contain any claim that you or the product has been sanctioned or approved by Alligator Alley Entertainment, or is affiliated with Alligator Alley Entertainment in any way, other than to acknowledge that the work is produced and distributed as part of the Starforger’s Guild.

For additional questions and concerns, please email admin@espergenesis.com.