Galactic Species of the Silrayne Arc
Choosing your galactic origin is one of the first steps toward establishing your character’s identity. Your choice of species can greatly affect your origin story, personality, physical features, and customary practices. These carry on with your character throughout their entire career and lifepath.

Forged from fallen heroes and imbued with purpose, the ashenforged are one of the greatest enigmas since the discovery of the Crucibles. Though no longer the war-bred union they once were, they have instead become a symbol of progress to their creators and representatives of a larger destiny.

The belare are beings formed of pure energy from a society thousands of years old. Only vague records of their history still exist, mostly in the form of ancient written texts and carvings. The belare are among the last of a powerful interstellar empire, now long extinct. They interact with modern society by wearing personalized bio-containment suits.

Formerly subjugated by the Xamaron horde, the dendus are a society of builders instrumental in the advancement of modern day society. Fiercely loyal to their friends and allies, they survive as a people by adapting within the duality of tradition and evolution.

One of the oldest of the spacefaring cultures, the eldori are a people whose wisdom and stability are a product of many years of experience and growth. Self-proclaimed guardians of life in the universe, they are often viewed as pompous but well respected nonetheless.

One of the newer species to join the Sorium Accord, it’s the natural tendency of humans to explore, investigate, discover, and confront anything and everything they come across. The drive to learn and adapt is what makes them so versatile, and a formidable ally in any world.

The kesh are a people without a past. No longer having a world to call home, the kesh have spent centuries living either within the realms of other peoples, or aboard massive starships built to traverse new regions within the infinite expanse.

The honor-bound Matokai are lizard-like humanoids with an inherent dual nature—one that binds them to a particular source of primordial energy. They believe their souls are linked to spirits that reside within the energies of the galaxy, guiding all things toward an eventual destiny.

These former humans were a community of space explorers and colonists. Adapting themselves through genetic alteration and adopting the name of a figure of legend, they have forged themselves into a new society.

Valna are beasts, first and foremost, with more connection to the creatures of the wild than they would ever have with a human. Technology has become a forced necessity, used at first to stop the threat of genocide. However, their elders take great care to not let these unnatural advancements overtake their habitat and way of life.